Saturday, May 15, 2010

I think we're covered

So my Saturday consisted of making these bows and flowers ready to be put on headbands. I have been looking for good deals now for quite a few months now. My dad actually found me a great website ( I have since made 3 orders of "stuff".  By the 3rd order Brandon asked if these things were really necesary. Of course they are! It was fun to be able to put all of my purchases together today to see the final products. Now we are still waiting for her arrival to try them out  :)


  1. LOL! She can change bows several times a day just to get them all worn!

  2. I think it is cute that your dad is the one that found the website. He can't be excited to have a grand daughter at all ;)

  3. Cute... but there are definitely a lot of flowers there!!!
